EPH 3.2 Configuration of photovoltaic systems to operate in parallel with the power grid
EPH 3.2 Configuration of photovoltaic systems to operate in parallel with the power grid

Training contents:
- Installation of photovoltaic systems
- Set-up and testing of a photovoltaic system with feed to the power grid
- Measurement of energy generated by photovoltaic systems
- Maximum Power Point (MPP) Tracking
- Limiting the power of the photovoltaic inverter (derating)
- Provision of reactive power
- Determining the efficiency of the power grid inverter
- Response to control of the power grid inverter
- Recording output data using sun passage emulator
- Investigating the response of a photovoltaic system when there is a power outage on the grid
- Lightning protecting for photovoltaic systems
- Economic benefits of photovoltaic systems