EPE 40-1 Self-commutated converter circuits 1kW
EPE 40-1 Self-commutated converter circuits 1kW

The widespread proliferation of power electronics equipment requires that electronics specialists and engineers alike have a profound command of knowledge enabling them as users to handle the equipment competently and in a resourcesaving manner or put them in a position to explore this material in greater detail in research and development. For that reason, power converters are an essential constituent of the curricula of students of electronics and electrical engineering. The „self-commutated converter circuit“ training system uses sophisticated experiments with hands-on and project-based work to explore the fundamentals. Circuitry, modulation and rotary field generation are core subjects rendered easily comprehensible thanks to supplementary theory and special animations for rapid learning progress to the next level of expertise.
Training contents:
- Pulse-width modulation
- DC chopper in single quadrant and 4-quadrant operation
- AC controller
- Three-phase power converter with block / sine commutation and space vector modulation
- Resistive and inductive load
- Suppressor circuitry, link circuit, free-wheeling
- Control characteristics and operating diagrams
- Interpolation, clock frequency, ripple
- Frequency analysis and examination of harmonics