High voltage drives in motor vehicles and two-wheelers (UniTrain)
High voltage drives in motor vehicles and two-wheelers (UniTrain)

The use of electric drives essentially pursues three goals: Fuel saving, emission reduction and increase of torque and power. In addition to the pure electric drive, a combination with a combustion engine can also be realised - the so-called hybrid drive. Depending on the objective, different hybrid concepts are used.
With the UniTrain training system for electric drives, trainees get the perfect and safe introduction to HV drive systems and learn about the three key components "electric motor", "inverter" and in particular the "HV battery" with its numerous safety functions (e.g. pilot line, HV service plug and HV relay). In practical exercises and various diagnostic tasks with fault simulation, they acquire practical knowledge and essential diagnostic skills for everyday work and the further course of the training.